Step into the magical world of Lewis Carroll's beloved tale with this exquisite alice in wonderland costume. Inspired by the enchanting story and the lauded 2010 Disney film, this outfit captures the essence of Alice's whimsical adventures. Don the iconic blue dress, complete with a delicate apron, and imagine yourself journeying through a land filled with curious creatures, white rabbits, and grinning Cheshire cats. Just be cautious of the Playing Cards and the formidable Queen of Hearts!
This officially licensed Disney product includes:
- A dress featuring a satin bodice and a prominent character print.
- Puff sleeves crafted from satin for a classic touch.
- A satin skirt adorned with a mock apron for added authenticity.
- Please note: Shoes, stockings, headband, and teacup prop are not included.
Perfect for costume parties or themed events, this alice in wonderland costume offers a perfect blend of elegance and nostalgia, making it a delightful choice for fans of this timeless narrative.