This gorgeous Bridal White Calla Lily Bouquet is an ideal choice for any special occasion. Its classic design features ten high-quality, long-lasting white lilies for a stunning, elegant look that will be remembered. The bouquet measures 10" in diameter and makes a gorgeous centerpiece.
Online for bridal white calla lily bouquet for wedding party, white calla lily bouquet for the bride on wedding ceremony.
- The Bridal Bouquet Width is about 25 cm/ 10 inch
- Bridal Bouquet Tall: 28 cm/ 11 inch
- Custom: We can make custom bouquets, and the bouquet are made to order, so if you need other colors of ribbon, you can just place an order on this listing and leave us notes of the ribbon color you want.
- The bridal bouquet is made to order, it will take about 2-5 days for us to make them before shipping out.