Original Item: Only One Set Available. This is a fantastic and MASSIVE German WWII award and document grouping, named to Sanitäts-Feldwebel Friedrich Hofsommer of Panzerjägerabteilung 15. It is contained in a binder measuring 11" x 13", and contains documents that took at least 140 scans to fully record. The inside cover reads San. Schüler F. Hofsommer., which would translate to "Medic Student F. Hofsommer. It appears that this binder is not just for collecting this grouping: It is the original Pre-WWII Binder that Hofsommer used during his studies as a Medic. It has a correct "Din" marking on the side, and is of the correct fiberboard construction. It contains all of his notes and drawings from when he was a student!
Included in this grouping with the binder are his Heer Wehrpaß issued in 1937 with slip cover, his Soldbuch zugleich Personalausweis (Identity Card and Paybook), as well as TWO fabric medic Personalausweis identity cards. The first of these was issued 1. Jan 1940, and lists Hofsommer as a San.-Uffz. (Sanitäts-Unteroffizier), while the secone was issued 1. Oktober 1944, and lists him as a San. Feldwebel (Sanitäts-Feldwebel), so he was definitely promoted over the course of his service.
Also included are three BESITTZZEUGNIS "possession/award" certificates. The first of these is for the Pre-WWII 1 October 1938 Commemorative Medal (German: Die Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange), commonly known as the Sudetenland Medal or Czech Conquest Medal with Prague Castle bar. This was awarded to Hofsommer on 24. 7. 1940., and the award is included too, though it does not have the castle bar installed.
The second certificate is for the Eiserne Kreuz 2.Klasse (Iron Cross 2nd Class), and is dated 10. Februar 1942. and the award is included for this certificate as well. The third and last is for the STURMABZEICHEN (Assault badge), which we assume is the General assault badge. This was awarded 24. 12. 1942, however it is not included in the grouping.
There is more as well, such as a BeVo Breast Eagle, wound tag, and various documents that have been stored between the pages in the notebook. This is really a treasure trove! If you were looking for a great translation and research project, this is it! We very rarely get such great groupings of material. Ready to research and display!