Discover the timeless allure of the Frandsen Ball Pendant light, a design masterpiece originally crafted by Benny Frandsen in 1968. These 18cm diameter pendant lights are more than just a source of illumination; they are a statement of style and sophistication. With a diverse array of colours to choose from, the 18cm edition of the Ball pendant offers endless possibilities for creating a vibrant and playful ambiance within your interior decor. Mix and match these pendant lights to curate a unique and captivating visual landscape in your living space. The rich spectrum of available colours ensures that you can effortlessly find the perfect shade that harmonises with your personal style and home aesthetic. From bold and striking to subtle and understated, there's a Ball pendant for everyone, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate the fusion of design and individuality. Elevate your interior decor with the Frandsen Ball Pendant light; a design classic that transcends time and trends. These pendant lights, with their 18cm diameter, are not just a source of illumination but an embodiment of style and sophistication. The Ball pendant offers a captivating array of colours, allowing you to unleash your creativity and craft a unique and playful atmosphere within your living space.