In the magical realm of babyhood, where tiny toes wiggle and giggle abound, there exists a wondrous treasure known as Baby Moo's . These charming little baby cotton socks are like fluffy clouds for your little one's precious feet, wrapping them in a cocoon of comfort and joy. Crafted from the softest fairy floss spun by cotton candy clouds, these socks delicately caress your baby's skin, offering a gentle embrace that feels like a warm hug from a friendly unicorn.
Key Features:
> Soft and Comfortable
> Super Cute
> Keeps your babys feet warm
> Available in Attractive Designs
Material: 100% Cotton
Care Instruction:
Wash before first use
Use warm or cold water
Avoid bleach
Hang to dry
Do not iron or dry clean
Use a mild detergent if needed
Product Dimensions: L 18 x B 8 x H 4 cm
Country Of Origin: India
Item included in package
2 Pair Socks