The images and videos are representative. The products that will be delivered will be similar but not the same.
Grade: A Sizes: Jackets: S - L The bundle contains the following brands: Lee,Levi's,Wrangler
Stand out from the crowd with these one-of-a-kind, handcrafted denim patchwork pants! Made from a vibrant mix of repurposed denim pieces, these eclectic pants embody the perfect blend of sustainability, creativity, and style.
Features: • Hand-stitched patchwork design using assorted denim scraps • Unique, eye-catching pattern that makes each pair truly special • Comfortable fit with a relaxed, casual vibe • Durable denim construction for long-lasting wear • Perfect for anyone who dares to be different and values individuality Details: Grade: A Size: S, M, L Brands: Levi’s, Lee, Wrangler Original Garment: Branded denim pants Reworked Garment: Branded Denim Patchwork Jacket
Production: Exact production time may vary according to No of pieces.but on average we need 7 to 10 days Sold by: Retro Reworks