The images and videos are representative. The products that will be delivered will be similar but not the same.
Grade: AB Sizes: Reworked Bottoms: 26 - 34 The bundle contains the following brands: Unbranded
"Cozy, eclectic patchwork plaid denim pants crafted from a mix of soft flannel and durable denim patches. These one-of-a-kind, handmade pants blend contrasting textures and colors to create a truly unique and eye-catching design. Perfect for casual, laid-back styling, the patchwork detail adds a touch of bohemian charm and personality to any outfit. The combination of flannel and denim ensures a comfortable fit and versatility for any season." These are reworks styles that are made from new or deadstock fabrics. Details: Brand: Unbranded Grade: AB Size: S, M, L Original Garment: Unbranded Flannel Shirts & Denim Pants Reworked Garment: Upcycled patchwork plaid denim Pants
Production: Exact production time may vary Sold by: Retro Reworks