The images and videos are representative. The products that will be delivered will be similar but not the same.
Grade: A Sizes: Jackets: S - XL The bundle contains the following brands: Carhartt
Vintage Wholesale
Reworked Carhartt-Style Hoodies
Available Sizes: M - XL
Note: Images and videos shown are representative. Actual products will be similar but not identical.
Grade: A Included Brands: Carhartt
This bundle includes:
• Light Beige Hoodies • All size
These reworked jackets are made from new cotton canvas fabric. Special pricing is available for larger orders. Each piece is crafted from new fabrics, inspired by classic vintage styles.
Production Timeline is 0-3 days
Custom bundles also available no demand. Bulk orders for any design are also available. We are manufacturers of reworks in Pakistan.